If you are looking for ‘How to Cancel Showmax‘ if you find that you no longer need the service, canceling your Subscription is an easy process. You can cancel through the Showmax app or online, regardless of the reason for your cancellation.
How to cancel a Showmax subscription on the website/DSTV:
- Go to the > (https://www.showmax.com/) or not go with (showmax .com/dstv) and sign in to your account.
- Click on> your profile name within the top right corner of the Showmax webpage.
- Tap the > My Account > from the dropdown menu.
- Click on > Manage Subscription> button.
- Scroll down [⇣] towards the bottom of the page to see the Cancel Subscription ❌ > option.
- You want to Click the > Cancel > button to complete the cancelation process.
Also Read:- Showmax Pro Being Discontinued From [30-Nov-2023]
How to cancel Showmax subscription on Phone
- Open the > Showmax app and sign in > to your account.
- Select > My Account on the Showmax app.
- Tap on > Manage Subscription after Scroll down > to the bottom of the Showmax App screen, and you can see the “Cancel Subscription” button.
- You need to click and confirm that you want to cancel your Subscription.
What happens when you cancel your Showmax subscription?
If you decide to unsubscribe and you thinking about how to cancel Showmax subscription, you will still have access to the service until the end of your current billing cycle. Make sure the cancelation process is within the cancelation period. However, once that cycle ends, your Subscription will come to an end, and you will not be able to access Showmax content anymore. If you need any assistance with canceling your Showmax subscription, please feel free to reach out.
Showmax customer support for assistance.
- If you are still experiencing any problems with the cancelation process, please reach out to us via email at support@showmax.com. Alternatively, you can contact the support team through live chat by accessing https://chat.showmax.com/.
- Please visit the Showmax faq’s: (https://faq.showmax.com/eng/help/global/my-account/6).